Client Premises Equipment - refers to the device outside the building on your premises that creates the wireless connection to our network. Most modern CPE’s are integrated devices and contain the following three aspects or functions:
- Antenna - that directs the wireless signal to a True Technologies AP (Access Point)
- Wireless radio - the device that produces the wireless signal and does the encoding and decoding of IP information onto the wireless signal.
- Router - the CPE also acts as a router between the True Technologies IP network, and the client’s private IP network. By default the router is set up to be a NAT (Network Address Translation) router, meaning that all the IP information inside the client network will be sent to the True Technologies network “hidden” behind a single “public” IP address. The router will also act as a firewall protecting you from the outside.
The CPE will also provide the following:
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server - the CPE will manage the internal network and provide IP addresses to devices connecting to the client network. It can, if required be disabled.
- DNS and Gateway - the CPE will also be the client network’s DNS relay (Domain Name System - the translation of domain names to IP addresses) as well as its Gateway.
- The CPE could also perform extensive firewall as well as other high level network and routing functions. If the need is there for such possible functions, it can be discussed with your local call centre.
The CPE can consist of either 1 integrated unit, or of a combination of various equipment. Access to the CPE is prohibited to True Technologies only through normal username and password protection.