Fax solutions


In order to deliver the most structured and reliable fax services, we have partnered with Pangea to deliver TrueFax, a fantastic digital to analogue solution.

You can access all the standard fax to fax and fax to email functionality from anywhere, using your personal web based portal. Easily pull detailed historic reports and track all the faxes you've sent and received, from one place. Welcome the end to all your Fax problems, TrueFax transfers your fax in the form of a digital file over an Internet connection, delivering it to the Pangea servers that will actually make the fax call on your behalf, providing you with convenience and peace of mind.

Contact Details

True Technologies cc
Tel: +27 42 293 4168
Fax: +27 42 293 1851
Support: support@true.co.za
Sales: sales@true.co.za
Accounts: accounts@true.co.za

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